
St Day Neighbourhood Development Plan

We have had a fantastic response to the initial surveys which were delivered at the end of October with over 350 being completed and returned via our volunteers or placed in the boxes in the Post Office. We value every single comment and will do our very best to reply, although this may take a little time, to every comment made. It is most likely that replies will be made either through this website or the Parish Newsletter.

Please note that the £50 Prize Draw will take place at the Parish Council meeting on Monday 13th November and details of the winning number will be placed in the Post Office window, on the Parish Council notice board and, of course, on this website. Please contact the Clerk or a Parish Councillor if you have the lucky number but you will need to be able to produce the front page of your survey form.

If you haven’t returned your form yet we will be leaving the boxes in the Post Office for another week and we would still like to hear from you.

Perhaps most encouraging of all has been the number of people who have now come forward to volunteer their help with the future phases of the plan. Rest assured, if you said ‘Yes’ we will be contacting you!

Once we have had chance to absorb the comments you have made we will be moving on and starting work on the important topics which you have helped us to identify as the ones which concern you most. We will also be sending out longer questionnaires to those people who said they were happy to answer them.

And finally …. a big thank you to the volunteers who have delivered and collected the surveys over the past month – it wouldn’t have been possible without you!