We are holding a series of short online workshops to help people who want to set up a business.
They will take place on Wednesdays 4th, 11th and 18th November.
Each day will be made up to two sessions 9.30AM to 12.00PM and 1.00PM to 3.00PM
So they are really good for people with children at school
All sessions will be run via Teams and will require to sign up beforehand with their email address using Eventbrite. The link to signing up is https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/how-to-set-up-a-new-business-tickets-125931944837
Neil Colquhoun (Start up and Social Enterprise Manager)
T: 01209 310676 M: 07535 036650
Cornwall Neighbourhoods for Change – 61 Green Lane, Redruth.