
Notification of Airborne Geophysical Survey – Letter from Bell Geospace

We are writing to inform you of an upcoming airborne geophysical survey taking place in your area this week.  The survey is due to take two to three weeks. If the weather is favourable, the Operations team intends that it will be done before Christmas.
The survey should cause very little disturbance to your business or residents. Each survey line is generally flown once, twice at the most. This means that impact to individuals will be very minimal.
It is likely that some people will be curious about the plane, so we thought you would appreciate a notification. Maybe you would want to cover the news on your local social media channels and notice boards.
I do note the short notice. Thank you for your help in expediting the messaging to the community. Flying the survey now meant we would 1) hope to avoid Christmas flights 2) significantly reduce the carbon footprint of the survey, the plane was already in Country but needs to go to work overseas in the New Year.
I have attached a letter which has also been mailed to you. This letter provides more details.
We are also writing to animal holdings in the area. The plane is very quiet and animals on the ground very rarely react to our surveys, however particularly skittish animals may prefer to be in barns when we come by. We offer a service of reaching out to farms/riding centres ahead of flying over their land.
We have also set up a community helpline 0131 202 7144 and webpage. The webpage has media resources if you need to publish.
Please let me know if you have any questions or would like anything more from me or the team here at Bell Geospace.
We are happy to help.
Julianne Sharples
International Marketing Manager