
St Day Picnic in the Park

Saturday 6th July at St Day Rugby Field – From 1pm

Parks and green spaces are proven to help people stay physically and mentally well. They are an important tool to drive social unity, combat loneliness and build community spirit. But parks and green spaces are all too easily taken for granted. Once they are lost, they are lost forever. Therefore, this year St Day will be joining Fields in Trust, in celebrating its local parks and green spaces.

Fields in Trust was founded in 1925 and eighty five years ago, in 1934, the first ‘Playing Fields Day’ was held. Each year on the first Saturday in July, communities across the UK champion their local parks and green spaces with ‘Have a Field Day’; St Day indeed are having a field day and will be enjoying a picnic in the park, on Saturday 6th July along with thousands of others across the country, in their local green spaces.

St Day Parish Council are working with local residents to embrace the event and add another dimension to the day. There will be a ‘St Day Bake-off’ in the morning – with cakes to be judged in various categories, including a bug theme for best decorated, and tastes of the 1930’s, in keeping with the first Playing Fields Day, in 1934.

Weather permitting, the picnic will commence at 1pm in the St Day Rugby field, Tolgullow, with a warm invitation to families and friends – not just from St Day – to attend. Again, to commemorate the first Playing Fields Day, there will be a nostalgic theme, with games and activities to suit.  Bring a blanket, your picnic, your kite, your voice – songs will be sung!

For more information on the event, please contact Sarah Moore (St Day Parish Clerk – at ) or Rebecca Ryder (Vice Chair – at You can find the event on Facebook – Look for St Day Picnic in the Park.