Equal Opportunities

Equal Opportunities



St Day Parish Council recognises that there are disadvantaged people within our society, including black or minority ethnic communities, women, carers, the disabled, the elderly, people with criminal records and those whose sexuality is different from the majority of people.

These people are often treated unfairly in employment matters due to discrimination which can be intentional or unintentional. This can inhibit their potential and have a detrimental impact on their quality of life.

The Council does not condone discrimination and believes in promoting equality whenever and wherever possible with its employees, fellow councillors and the wider community.


The Council will endeavour to promote race equality and good race relations whilst carrying out its functions by:

• Eliminating unlawful racial discrimination
• Promoting equal opportunities
• Promoting good relations between people of different
racial groups


The Council will endeavour to promote equal opportunities whilst carrying out its functions and will:

• Not discriminate against its employees (including those seeking employment with the Council), fellow councillors and the wider community
• Treat its employees, prospective employees, fellow councillors and the wider community fairly and respectfully.


The Council will not discriminate against:

• Those who seek employment with the Council
• Those of a different race, colour or religion
• Those with differing political beliefs
• Those with criminal convictions
• Those with a disability
• Those who are sexually different from the majority
• Men or women
• Marital status